Monday, April 13, 2015

Love and Resurrection (and Fear Again)

The theme of fear continues in the third week of Easter.  Two weeks ago it was Mark.  Last week, John.  Now this week, Luke.  It is a common theme.  The response to the good news of resurrection is fear, or perhaps better understood, Easter is not only about life’s confrontation of death.  It is about love’s confrontation of fear. 
Love is risky business, as the life of Jesus so powerfully reveals.  We know it in our own lives, as well.  Love inherently runs the risk of rejection.  It runs the risk of disappointment.  It runs the risk of pain.  It runs the risk of betrayal.  It runs the risk of loss.  There is just no getting around it.  Risk is simply the cost of love.
And still, love is the one thing that makes life matter.  It is, I believe, the only thing that lasts.  It is, for that reason, the essence of resurrection.  Resurrection is love’s greatest proclamation.
Jesus response to the fearful disciples in this week’s gospel (Lk. 24:26b-38), is not to ignore the fear.  In some ways it is to confirm it.  He does not say, as he sometimes does, do not be afraid.  Instead he shows them his hands and his feet, which bear the wounds of the crucifixion.  The response of Jesus is not to erase the fear, it is to confront it in all of its painful reality.  Love does not make fear go away.  It is, though, what overcomes it.

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